18 September, 2010


Do long distance relationships work?

A buddy of mine is seeing someone who lives 6 states away and they seem blissfully happy. But for me, 'blissfully happy' tends to dissipate within the time they've already maintained and kept afloat. So, does distance and proximity play a part in either their blissful ignorance or authentic and genuine blissful happiness? I suppose trust is a huge factor here. Trust and security/insecurity - these things live together.

Should we be discriminating against the geographically-inclined? On one hand, what's there to lose - other than some hurt if/when it ends (for one of the two, or even both parties) and a lot of frequent flyer miles. On the other, between point A and point B, there's a lot of time being alone - as though one were single.

People say "ah, Mitch, there's plenty of fish in the sea" - so, what the hell is that supposed to mean. This is no more comforting than: there's a needle in that barn of hay - good luck. They must be pro-long distance relationships, that, or they don't realize how small this city is.

For now, I'll hope to be reincarnated as a fish, living in a really big sea.   

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